Bad news tends to come in threes. Two reports from old friends about cancer received via Face seems I might have to change my mind about that social networking media ...I was glad to get the news, although it is not good. One tells about her daughter still in her thirties, the other, is about a friend from long ago when we were all involved in working in domestic violence programs in Michigan. The daughter in question was a beautiful young woman in her teens back when I knew her - who became a wonderful mother of three boys - the oldest now graduating from high school. Mom's cervical cancer of some years ago has returned, but now in her lungs. The other friend is in the middle of radiation treatment for throat cancer - and suspended from talking for the next six weeks or so....which for her seems more cruel than the original problem. The third report came quickly enough on the heels of those other two...another friend, who has a host of physical problems that will impact his ability to work and make a salary if they get too much worse. Today felt surrounded by fear and loss and pain - their bleeding hearts like in the photo, never far from my consciousness. The first two seem to be doing well - surrounded by friends and family, healing brought by loving proximity and care, even if the physical threat still remains. The third is someone who is somewhat alone - also has lots of friends, and family, but far away in the frigid north...and he is always sure there is something dire on the horizon even when times are good. I worry about his ability to handle whatever is happening ...even when the glass is half full, he worries that there might be a flood imminent.
I have always loved the bleeding heart plant. You don't see many of them down south, but when I cleaned out a very messy front garden bed at a house I bought in Davenport, IA, I discovered a huge bush - over four feet across - which was loaded with blooms. I didn't give Iowa even one backward glance when I left, but I mourn for the loss of that plant. The name of the plant is a bit graphic - a bloody heart, but the blooms are lush, delicate, intricate, amazing - each branch loaded with these light, perfectly heart-shaped marvels. The way they grow has always reminded me of rosary beads - one heart for each special intention, one blossom for each person needing some intercession, some healing light and prayer. The number of blooms on that "found" plant do not even begin to cover the prayer requests of even the people in my parish alone ... not to mention friends and family far away. But perhaps there are just enough blossoms to enable me to pray for what I can right now, what is needed right now - what is within my ability to intercede for tonight, right now.
Amen and amen.
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