Monday, February 28, 2011


Welcome to the first entry of my new blog. For a long time, now, I've been dreaming of becoming a writer. For almost as long a time, I bought books about writing and the writing life - then placed them neatly on my shelves, and continued to dream about writing. Then I started taking classes and actually read some of those books. Every morning, I do three pages of unfettered writing ala Julia Cameron (author of The Artist's Way and a similar book about writing). I write sermons, which are mostly heard but not read; and short pieces of reflection for the church newsletter where I work. I also write lots of others things, but they remain hidden, carefully stored in composition books of all colors and cover designs.

Recently one of my writing teachers offered what was to me a startling insight.... to be a writer, she advised, you have to write something and let someone read it. Duh. Actually let someone read it?? That sounded a bit too risky - what if someone read something and decided I was not a writer? What if my words got me into trouble? What if, on the other hand, I turn out to be a good writer - what new and potentially threatening opportunities might arise?

These and other questions have dogged me since then. Writers talk a lot about their internal editor - that voice in their head that says, "this is not are not a good one will ever want to read anything you write." I am so new at this writing gambit, my internal editor merely scowls in disapproval - no words are necessary between us. Flinching under that gaze of judgment, I usually just resort to buying yet another book on writing, or another new composition book (and some cool gel pens to go with it), add all that to my collection, and let it go at that.

Well, as a Lenten discipline, I've decided to come out of the writing closet - and actually take the risk of being a writer who is read. By now, you have probably figured out that I'm a minister - a priest, actually in the Episcopal Church. I spend a lot of time thinking about how Jesus, the Word of God, impacts our everyday world. I also think a lot about Holy Scripture - some of the most important words written about Him - which is another kind of word of God. I think about how all these words can and do have meaning for everyday people. So that's what I'm going to write about - everyday encounters with the Word of God and insights and inspirations gleaned from the Scriptures that put those encounters in perspective.

And, I want you to write back. The name of the blog is Dia-Logos. Logos is the Greek word that actually means word, but capitalized and in Christian circles, is the word we use for Jesus, the ("capital w") Word of God. The "dia" part means I want this to be a place where folks can talk back - dialogue - about their encounters with the Word of God in daily life - and the inspirations and insights gleaned from those encounters. I'm interested in learning from others' ideas in regard to the Scriptures, other spiritual writings, or their own compositions, as well.

Clever, huh? Real writers are clever - and use lots of snappy word play like this ... but it just occurred to me, that real writers don't usually have to point that out... seems like I still have a ways to go.

Sign in, read what you like, and join in as you wish. I appreciate your help in my journey into the writing life ... and although the purveyors of books about the writing life may not thank you (sorry, Amazon) - I will and I do!

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